
Sunday 11 December 2016


Built in the 18th century, the Monticello still remains an American national treasury due to its beauty and design. It is interesting to learn that the Monticello was designed by someone who had no formal knowledge in design or architecture. 
It is purely a result of a lay man's desire to live in a comfortable home of his own imagination. The Monticello was designed for over four decades and the eventual design was nothing but the eventual design was nothing but the best.
Monticello which means little mountain was designed by Thomas Jefferson who started building it at the young age of 25 years. It is his passion that drove him to look into the design and architectural books in order to come up with what indeed he wanted. He has been quoted as saying "I am as happy nowhere else and in other society. All my wishes end where I hope my life will end, the Monticello". 

If you would like to design your home yourself, here are important lessons you can borrow from Thomas Jefferson;

  1. You first need to be sure designing it yourself is what you really want. It takes time and a lot of energy to come up with a good design especially if you are not trained in the field of design or architecture. Be sure it is what you want before you embark on this journey.
  2. Keep your imagination alive. It took four decades of designing, re-imagining and redesigning to come up with the Monticello. Don't be afraid to improve your design every time a new idea comes into your head.
  3. It does not have to look like all the good designs you have seen and admired. The reason why Monticello is a national treasure and has kept in the books of history is because it is unique. In coming up with a design, you don't necessarily have to copy other designs unless they are part of what you want.
  4. You will treasure more and love more the design you have come up with. I believe the reason why Thomas Jefferson said that his wishes and his life will end at the Monticello was because he valued the Monticello very much and this was mainly because he made it himself in his own liking.
  5. You are never too young to start imagining and putting your dream design on paper. Thomas Jefferson started building the Monticello at 25 years, this should tell you that he had started drawing the design much earlier. Whether you are 18 or 22 or 30 or 50, you can start giving that design a serious thought as early as right this minute.
  6. Seek knowledge, do not design blindly. Thomas Jefferson is recorded as having very many books on design and architecture, mainly about the ancient roman empires. He drew his knowledge and inspiration from this books. No matter what you do, do not design blindly, seek knowledge.
  7. Most importantly remember YOU CAN DO IT. Thomas Jefferson has been quoted as saying "all mean are born equal". No man is better in imagination than the other, and no one can imagine your desires and wishes better than you. Starting putting your desires, wishes and imaginations on paper and you can be sure you will never regret you did.

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