
Wednesday 14 December 2016


Apart from the colour and texture, patterns is a very important factor to consider in buying a curtain. To choose the right pattern that will match with the rest of your house, here are important things you need to consider;
  • The size of your curtain

Generally curtains come in two sizes, to the floor ,or or the sill. Any other sizes would  not look very good. If you choose a curtain whose length is to the sill, avoid heavy fabrics and large patterns. Large patterns look better with long curtains and so do heavy fabrics.
  • Your theme colour

Choose a pattern that matches with your theme colour. Choose a colour in the patterns that is similar to the main colour in the house and use it as border line of the curtain, this will help the curtain to blend in well with the rest of the house. Alternatives use a plain blind in the main colour of your theme.
  • Fullness of folds

If you intend to have a curtain than has many fold, it would be better to choose a pattern that repeats itself often so that there are many similar patterns on the folds. A pattern that takes too long before it repeats itself over again may look like many different patterns when used on a curtain with many folds.
  • Pattern repeats

It is important to consider the length it takes before a pattern repeats itself all over again. Ensure the pattern in the two curtain pieces is very similar. Avoid having one piece that looks very different from the other because it started at a different level of the pattern.


"home is not merely four square walls
though with pictures hang and gilded,
home is where affection calls,
home is a shrine the heart was built"

Keep your house clean

It is important to clean the different rooms in your house as often as possible. Always keep your kitchen clean and in good order when preparing meals, this ensure the hygiene of the food. Change your beddings frequently and always keep your bedroom neat. Ensure you do the basic cleaning of our living room at least once daily, avoid a dusty or unkempt living room, this is for your comfort and hygiene as well as that of your guests.

Treat people kindly

Whether its those you live with or guests, treat everyone kindly. Don't be rude or speak in an insulting or annoying way to others. No matter how well you decorate it, a home is only comfortable to live in if there is peace and happiness.

Don't make your dietary requirements everyone else's dilemma

Whether you are on diet for medical reasons or you are choosing to eat healthy, don't impose this on the rest of those you live with or your guests. Having the freedom to choose what to eat and what not to eat is a priceless comfort, don't limit the comfort of others based on your limitations.

Be considerate of the welfare of others

The simple things like which TV channel to watch or which couch to sit on, or which colours to use in your decorations, or which accessories to incorporate in your design style are very simple but important. Even if you are the sole decision maker, if you living with others, whether family or friends you share the house with, make sure to be very considerate of their likes and dislikes.




It is very important to consider the durability of the fabric. Although some fabrics are very beautiful and attractive, they may not be very durable. You don't want to buy a curtain that fades or tears just a few days after you start using it, you therefore need to be very conscious of the durability before you make a choice. But if you don't mind replacing your curtains after just a short while, this should not worry you.


Keep to your budget. Don't buy a curtain and then end up being thrown out of your house because of rent arrears. Curtains come in all manner of prices and different qualities. Buy a curtain that you can afford but one that is also of good quality.


How the curtain looks is very important. The size and style should be in line with you house design style. Whether you go for plain calm colours of bold florals, stripes and vibrant colours, make sure it will look great in your house. Remember how a curtain looks in the shop is not the exact effect it will have in your house. Keep your house design, furniture, fabrics used and other considertaions in choosing a curtain.


This is very very important. Don't buy a curtain that is contrary to your house colour theme. A curtain is a necessary and also an accessory. It is meant to help make your house look more beautiful, elegant and sophisticated. Don't go for a colour that works against you.


Always consider the intensity of natural light in the room you intend to use the curtain. Some materials cannot withstand the sunlight. If you intend to use the curtain in a room with very strong natural light, go for a curtain that does not fade easily and one that can resist the effect of direct sunlight.


Very basic and very very important. Please don't buy a curtain that you can't maintain well. You need a fabric that is washable, resist stains and does not crease easily. We all want a curtain that can keep in god shape, choose a fabric that you know you can easily maintain.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


By Terence,

How many homes ever come up to all your expectations? What happened to those dreams of grand and spacious living? But wait a minute: let your imagination go, and think how the existing space in your house or flat could be rethought to work better, look better.
Can you use the rooms differently
Most of us are slaves to tradition, taking it for granted that living rooms are downstairs, bedrooms upstairs. But something as simple as rearranging the way you live in a house can make all the difference.
If there is a better view from the upstairs window, why not live up there and enjoy it, and sleep downstairs?
Using the existing space better
 There are arguments for keeping within the existing structure if you can. You wont be adding to your external maintenance expenses, services will be easily available, heating should cost only a little more, and you wont be eating into your garden.
You can often increase the apparent size of your home simply by replanning and simplifying your furniture layout; making new doors where there none before; blocking up others; opening two rooms into one, dividing others into two, and rationalising the way you store things; inserting a gallery into a high ceiling room, or exploiting a dark, dead centre area, using artificial ventilation.
Adding on
If all else fails, you may be able to increase the actual floor space of your home by going up (attics), out (extensions), or down (basements).
The creative use of space can make a vast difference to the appearance and enjoyment and enjoyment of a home which no amount of tinkering about with cushion covers and saucy gadgets can ever equal. This creative use of space is the prime service of architects and designers, but developing, enhancing and fulfilling it is the prerogative of householder.before you get out your hatchet, consider the following points:
  1. Can your house or flat be improved by just changing the function of the existing rooms?
  2. Will your projected improvements prove practical in terms of service circulation, storage, cost?
  3. Will the inside and outside benefit aesthetically?


If you are wondering if you should really paint your door blue, there are many reasons to encourage you to do so. This poem gives us one of the biggest reasons why - because its beautiful, calm and very peaceful-.
When The Door Was Painted Blue
When I lived at Grove Road West the door was boring grey,
Like a cold cold sky on a blank January day,
I changed it when it started to chip
Because I'd had enough of it,
On looking at the colors from which I had to choose
I decided no more grey and painted it sky blue.
I painted over several times,
Till I saw layers cleanly shine
As paint dried like a second skin,
It brightened the house and put light in
Where there used to be grey now it was neat
The brightest doorway in the street.
by Dorothy Strangelove


If you want to change your house decoration style to African or you want to make it even better than it already is, here are a few items you should be looking out for when you go shopping.
  • Lampshades

  • Pillows


  •  Picture frames
  • Art pieces

  • Wall hangings

Monday 12 December 2016


The modern townhouse style is characterized by elegance and sophistication. The paint colors used are either bold and dramatic or soft understated hues. Black can be used on the walls as it creates an automatic expensive feeling. It should however be mixed with matching colors to avoid a room that is too dark and also to bring out the elegance. Back could be mixed with vibrant dark blue colours and grey accents. There is a preference for modern colour schemes.

Overstuffed pillows are used to bring out the elegance, use suitable colours and soft textures for the comfort on the couch. When used appropriately pillows create an elegant cozy feeling inside the room making it very attractive. Pillows may be used to make the room look restful and calm or curvy and glamorous. The choice of colours, textures and sizes depends on the look you are going for.

Every accessory used, from lightings to door knobs to taps to sinks to decorations, are high end inclusions. A town house uses high quality modern installations. Everything is made to complement the high quality elegant look. Gold colour accessories may be used as they are very elegant and they stand out.  This can be used on the mirror frames or picture frames or other decorative items.

The flooring materials, walls and the ceiling are not necessarily of one type. It could be wood, stone, tiles etc. this could be mixed to bring out an elegant and beautiful look. The finishing is very fine and smooth. Wall paintings, pictures and carpets could be used to complement the look. One could go for a wall to wall carpet to make the room look soft and comfortable. A solid gleaming hardwood floor could also be used as it is very elegant. One may also mix the styles but in a very sophisticated way to bring out the intended beauty. The choice will depend on one’s taste and style.

Another feature of a town house is the use of natural lighting. Whether it’s the brilliant sunlight or muted overcast light, natural lightning is preferred for the beauty and health benefits. Airing is also a very important feature of the modern town house. Enough circulation of air in the house makes it very fresh, restful and comfortable to live in. Both lighting and airing are mainly solved by the use of large windows.


Whether you are moving out of your parent's home, joining campus, starting life after school or moving into a new house, starting up can be quite hectic and sometimes full of confusion. You may find yourself spending a lot of your money on things you don't need and at times on things you will never use. You may also find it very frustrating when you buy household items only to realize they are not compatible to the house design style you want or they are too big or to small or too many for your house.

Here are tips that will help you a lot to avoid this confusions, frustrations and the stress that may result,

  • Start with the absolute minimum

When you are planning to set up a new house, be prepared to start with the absolute minimum. This should include the basics and necessaries. You may get a bed, a mattress, bed sheets, a pillow and a duvet or blankets, a table, two good chairs, simple curtains, a kitchen knife, one wooden spoon, two plates, two eating spoons and forks, two cups, a gas cooker.
This is barely enough for a comfortable house but it will encourage you to think outside the box and buy only what you need most first. Having little makes you realize what you need most and you what don't need at all before you can rush out shopping.
  • Make a list of all the things you want because they are necessaries and those you want for decoration or luxury

Once you have moved into your new place, start making a list of all the things you realize you need. Make one list of necessaries and a different list of the things you want for decorations and for luxury. Making lists is good as it will help you focus on the necessaries first before you spend all your money on luxuries. This is also very helpful if you intend to obtain quality household items. This is because quality is often expensive and by making a list you know what to spend most of your money on and what can wait.
  • Do your research

This may be through window shopping, magazines, newspapers, through friends and family or looking up on the internet. Find out how much things cost and where you can find something quality and that fits your taste. At this point you should interest yourself with colors, designs, brands, textures and fabrics. It is easier to find something you like when you know the item, color, material, quality etc of the item. Be sure you know what you are looking for before you set out to find it.
  • Decide on the sizes and numbers you want

You need to figure out what is the minimum and maximum sizes of furniture you want before you can set out to buy or order them. You need to know the numbers, if its curtains, how many do you need?
Your choice will mainly be influenced by the size of your house and the design style you intend to use. This is why it is important to start with basics and understand your house well before you can make any decisions on sizes and before you can make any purchases.
  • Decide on how the items are going to reach you
You decide to buy the items online and have them delivered to you, or you may opt to purchase them at the seller's business premises. Either way, there are serious considerations you need to make. If you decide to buy online, you have to ask yourself; am I buying from a trusted supplier? Am I sure the items will be of good quality at delivery? Am I sure what will be delivered will be very similar to what was advertised online? What are the terms of delivery? Is there an added cost for delivery? How stressful will it be for me to return the items if upon delivery I realize its not what I wanted?
If you decide to make the purchase at the seller's business premises, you have to ask yourself; how will the items reach to my house? Will i carry them myself or will I need to hire transport services? If you need to hire transport services, do you know where to find the services? How much will it cost to transport? how much time will it take to to purchase and have the goods in your house?


The term farmhouse simply put means the house that serves as the main residence in an agricultural land. These types of houses were mostly built when man made materials were not accessible. The design of a farm house therefore depends on the geography, the climate, the people, the culture and the natural building materials available in the area. What this means is that a farmhouse, which in today’s world is mostly used just as a style, should be unpretentious, straightforward and as much as possible made from available natural building materials in the area where it is built. 
The design used and materials used should reflect the surrounding culture and climate. It should fit into the environment naturally. It doesn’t necessarily have to be built of mud, logs or stone; it could be built of brick or quarried stone.

The major characteristics of a farmhouse interior style are;
1.       Natural materials, textures and simple comfortable furniture
2.       Rush-matting and cane seating
3.       Use of natural wood
4.       It is not about overwrought iron, mock-rustic accessories but about an atmosphere of casual comfort and sturdy solidity
5.       Simplicity of the design

Real farmhouses have small windows that cannot be easily flung open; this is because most the day is spent in the farm and not in the house. However, a “farmhouse” built in town will need to have a window wide enough for airing and light. As much as possible the house should make use of natural light.

A farmhouse has a fireplace, both for keeping the house warm, and in other times just for decoration. The sitting arrangement is never formal. Comfort is key, the furniture, cushions and mattresses used should be very comfortable. Sinks, water systems and other essential accessories should also be installed to make the house comfortable. Lighting fixtures should be of very simple shapes. Decorations mostly involve vintage items and flowers.

Most parts of the farmhouse from the floor, the staircases to the ceiling are made of wood. Decoration is characterized by use of soft colours which are very close to natural shades. This makes the house look very natural and calm, and also brings in a sense of comfort.
The farmhouse bedroom is a soothing sanctuary. Even with its simplicity it is full of cozy bedding that make it very comfortable and peaceful. The colors used to decorate are calm and natural colors which create peace of mind whenever one gets into the bedroom.

Sunday 11 December 2016


Built in the 18th century, the Monticello still remains an American national treasury due to its beauty and design. It is interesting to learn that the Monticello was designed by someone who had no formal knowledge in design or architecture. 
It is purely a result of a lay man's desire to live in a comfortable home of his own imagination. The Monticello was designed for over four decades and the eventual design was nothing but the eventual design was nothing but the best.
Monticello which means little mountain was designed by Thomas Jefferson who started building it at the young age of 25 years. It is his passion that drove him to look into the design and architectural books in order to come up with what indeed he wanted. He has been quoted as saying "I am as happy nowhere else and in other society. All my wishes end where I hope my life will end, the Monticello". 

If you would like to design your home yourself, here are important lessons you can borrow from Thomas Jefferson;

  1. You first need to be sure designing it yourself is what you really want. It takes time and a lot of energy to come up with a good design especially if you are not trained in the field of design or architecture. Be sure it is what you want before you embark on this journey.
  2. Keep your imagination alive. It took four decades of designing, re-imagining and redesigning to come up with the Monticello. Don't be afraid to improve your design every time a new idea comes into your head.
  3. It does not have to look like all the good designs you have seen and admired. The reason why Monticello is a national treasure and has kept in the books of history is because it is unique. In coming up with a design, you don't necessarily have to copy other designs unless they are part of what you want.
  4. You will treasure more and love more the design you have come up with. I believe the reason why Thomas Jefferson said that his wishes and his life will end at the Monticello was because he valued the Monticello very much and this was mainly because he made it himself in his own liking.
  5. You are never too young to start imagining and putting your dream design on paper. Thomas Jefferson started building the Monticello at 25 years, this should tell you that he had started drawing the design much earlier. Whether you are 18 or 22 or 30 or 50, you can start giving that design a serious thought as early as right this minute.
  6. Seek knowledge, do not design blindly. Thomas Jefferson is recorded as having very many books on design and architecture, mainly about the ancient roman empires. He drew his knowledge and inspiration from this books. No matter what you do, do not design blindly, seek knowledge.
  7. Most importantly remember YOU CAN DO IT. Thomas Jefferson has been quoted as saying "all mean are born equal". No man is better in imagination than the other, and no one can imagine your desires and wishes better than you. Starting putting your desires, wishes and imaginations on paper and you can be sure you will never regret you did.


In choosing a curtain for your house, there are many things to consider. Apart from the room in which they are to be used, consider also the width, the length, the pattern and the fabric. The fabric chosen will influence both the look, the durability and how elegant the room will look. It is important to chose a curtain that complement your house design style. This means that before you choose a curtain, you have to evaluate the furniture, accessories, decorations and the floor arrangement. Also consider the color scheme of your house. It is important that you do not end up with a curtain that seems out of place.
In this article i will discuss the choice of fabric. The choice of size and pattern will be discussed later in this blog. There are several fabrics that are good for curtains, the choice should be determined by the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each particular fabric in addition to the intended use.

The best types of curtain fabrics


Polyester is very durable. It is resistant to most chemicals, shrinking and wrinkling. It is also very affordable. It is easy to maintain as it washes and dries quickly. It is good with vibrant colors and patterns as it resists fading and shrinking. 
They are good for the bedroom, the living room and other common rooms as they are strong and sun resistant. They are however not good for the kitchen as they are flammable and stains are difficult to remove.


Silk is characterized by its soft and vibrant shine. It durable and light. It has a smooth look and drapes easily. It is good for a romantic, elegant and sophisticated look. Silk curtains may be used for formal dining areas, the living room and the bedroom.
It is however expensive and yellows with age. It is also very susceptible to natural and should therefore not be used for a window that receives direct sunlight.


Linen is very strong and durable. It has very low elasticity and therefore does not stretch. It drapes very well and does not block the sun due to its sheer nature, it is therefore good for filling the room with natural light. Linen has a casual effect as opposed to formal. It is therefore good for a casual dining area and perfect for an airy bedroom.


Velvet is a thick and heavy fabric, it is also very gorgeous and traditionally it was related with royalty. It is good for keeping out the cold and light. While choosing velvet, ensure to check what material it is made of as this will influence its characteristics a lot for example silk velvet have a soft drape while synthetic velvet have a strong sheen but does not drape so well. Silk velvet is generally expensive but very elegant, it may be used to bring out a sophisticated and elegant look in a room.
For maintenance, it is highly recommended that silk and cotton velvet should be dry cleaned. Ironing should be done on the inner side rather than the outer side.


Cotton is soft, environmental friendly and very durable. It stays undamaged even after frequent exposure to weak acids and alkalis. It is therefore advantageous as washing often does not damage it. When it comes to maintaining it, cotton is easy to wash and it absorbs water easily, It is very washable and can be ironed even at high temperatures. It also does not stretch easily and this makes it retain its original shape for very long. Cotton drapes well and is therefore suitable for a formal dining room and modern decorating styles.
It however soils easily and weakens with exposure to light.


Having a warm comfortable home that looks good and works well and that you, your family and your friends enjoy must be one of the most worthwhile things in life. The choice of a design is mostly influenced by its beauty, elegance, and sophistication, suitability to your needs, the size, geographical location, your tastes and preferences among other factors. Of the many house design styles that there are in the world, am going to discuss six design styles that are not only popular, but also classy and elegant.

1       FARM HOUSE


Even from the name itself, one can tell that this design is inspired by the lifestyle in the agricultural areas. It was mainly used in the upcountry before modern building materials and accessories were accessible to the interior. It served as the farm’s main residence. There were different designs which were inspired by the geography of the area, the environment and the available building and accessory materials.
Today, this is used as a design style. Though the world has now become a global village and there is high accessibility of every kind of building and decorative materials, there are people who are still drawn to the farmhouse styles by its simplicity, elegance and beauty.

A farmhouse may be made of stone, wood, bricks or any other available building material available. However, for uniqueness, you may consider using the materials that are mostly available where the house is situated. You may use modern man made building materials and blend them with natural materials to produce a look that’s both elegant, comfortable and a house that is also secure and beautiful.
There are no limits as to the materials that one may use in finishing, furnishing and decorating the house or as to how one may use them together. You may use mirrors, wall pictures, paintings, carpets and rugs to decorate the house and make it comfortable. Mirrors, wall picture and paintings should be framed in wood. Remember that simplicity is key to a farmhouse design. The major material used for the flooring, stairs, ceiling and furniture is mostly wood.
The house mostly uses natural lighting, which calls for large windows. Sufficient airing is also a major characteristic of a farmhouse. It may be decorated using wood or stone carvings and also vintage items and flowers. Colors used in decoration and painting should most preferably be natural shades. The key is to keep it very simple, very natural and comfortable.


This style gained a lot of popularity in the mid 1900s. Initially it was built and designed to be used in town where one worked for a living but the person would also build another main residence in their home village.
Today, it is used as permanent residence and the style is used both in urban and rural areas. The town house style relies on a soothing mixture of un-aggressive, comfortable, modern furniture and one or two antique items. Luxury is the key note in this design. The most important items are picked out and emphasized, this could be the furniture or the fireplace or the walls depending on one’s preference.

This design is fairly simple but very sophisticated. The colours used are subdued but quite rich. The arrangement is also very elegant. Unlike the farmhouse which does not incorporate any kind of formal arrangement, the town house is usually arranged to emphasize the beauty and strong points of the design. The colours are used selectively to ensure they blend in. the textures of fabrics are very important, whether it’s the curtains, the furniture or a table cloth, rough and smooth textures are combined.
The flooring may be painted wood, hardwood, stone, ceramic floor tiles, quarry tiles, thermoplastics etc. the town house is characterized by use of modern materials. Therefore, any flooring material may be used as long as it is elegantly made. A combination of two or more may also be used but care should be taken to ensure they blend well and do not look out of place. Also make sure it is very comfortable both in its use and daily maintenance. As earlier stated, remember that luxury is very important in a town house design.


The major difference between the country house and the farm house is that the farmhouse draws inspiration from the peasant’s dwelling and captures the simple life he lived, on the other hand, the country house is inspired by the rich lives lived by the wealthy in the past. A country house style incorporates quality, durable, beautiful, elegant and sophistication both in the building materials, accessories and decorations. Charm and airiness are keys to a country house style.

It is a soft centered style with a touch of faded gentility- bright, solid splashes of colour are counterproductive. It uses decorations that reflect the beautiful side of the upcountry; this may be by the use of beautiful fresh flowers or floral prints on the fabrics. Though it has a sense of the past, it is very calm and peaceful and uses unaggressive objects. You will not find bows and arrows or hunting prints in a country house. When decorative objects are used, they may include beautiful carvings of animals or paintings of the nice life of the past, a painting reflecting the harsh past for example a painting of slavery or drought or natural disasters will not be found in a country house.

When thinking of using the country house styles, think along the lines of the lives of kings and royalties. The elegance, the sophistication, the beauty, the comfort, the rich and bold colours, paintings and decorations reflecting the bright side of life, a smooth and soft look of the house arrangement, sufficient airing.
Have a touch of the past but also incorporate some aspects of the modern life. This will make the style very comfortable and suitable for this day and age. You may use cushioned antic wooden chairs, wooden candle sticks, a wooden table that is finely finished with a touch of both the past and the present. Remember that charm, airing and luxury are very crucial in this house design style.


Mediterranean house design style is inspired by the traditional life of the Mediterranean countries including Spain, Italy and France. It is a very simple style. It has no fuss and does not incorporate use of too many accessories, if anything, it is characterized by the absence of accessories except for the very essential ones. A farmhouse with less wood, more tiles and more whites is the perfect definition of the Mediterranean house style.
It is characterized by simplicity, elegance and a natural look. Colors used should be natural shades such as blue, green, white and cream. Other colors may also be incorporated minimally but they should not be vibrant and shouting colors. The calm but rich colors is one of the factors that differentiate a Mediterranean style from other design styles.
Decorations will include use of flowers, peasant embroidery on the fabrics, metal or wood framed mirrors. In modern times, though few the accessories and decorations used are carefully and selectively chosen to ensure they blend in well and together bring out an elegant and sophisticated look. Cushions may be made of multi-colored fabrics. Curtains and carpets may also use multiple colors to make them stand out or bring life into the style. The point to note is that the colors used should be as much as possible natural shades and the design should be very simple.
Use large windows to increase natural lighting and airing. Use flowers to bring in nature’s beauty into the house. Use embroidered fabrics to give the house a touch of the past. Use simple but elegant floor arrangement. Ensure all the essential accessories are present to increase the comfort of the house. Use soft colors and smooth fabric to make the house look more peaceful and calm. Depending on your taste you may design your style to reflect the different annual seasons, either summer, winter, autumn or spring. Redesigning a house takes time and is also costly, make sure you choose a style that you can live with in and out of that particular inspiring season.