
Wednesday 11 January 2017


There are things you may want to have in your washroom, but there are those you should actually have. What keep in the different parts of your house may mainly depend on your taste, preference, comfort, affordability among other factors. But when it comes to the washroom, here are a few things you should ensure to have. It is the basic minimum for your hygiene and comfort;
  • water

i started with this because it is the most essential one. ensure you have adequate water flowing in your taps and your toilet cistern. Have an extra water storage container for your washroom, for just in case water ever runs out in your taps. A washroom cant function without water. For Hygiene and for comfort, make sure you have adequate water for your washroom at all times of the day.
  • cleaning detergents

Very essential. Make sure to clean your washroom often. Therefore, make sure you always have the cleaning detergents. Your choice of the detergent may depend on many factors such as your preferred colour, smell etc. The important thing is to ensure you never run out of the cleaning detergents.
  • bleach

A bleaching detergent is very important even if your washroom does not have anything in white. it essential to once in a while use a bleaching detergent when cleaning. it brings back a shine to your washroom which makes it look very clean and feel comfortable. bleach is also important as a disinfectant. you should therefore make sure you have a bleaching detergent in your washroom which you use once in a while.
  • toilet brush

I need not emphasize the need for this. its very important for cleaning purposes.
  • gloves

the washroom is one place that comes into contact with a lot of germs. When cleaning, whether its the walls, the floor, the sinks, the toilet etc make sure you wear protective gloves. this will protect your hands from the germs.
  • hand wash detergent

Cleanliness is second to Godliness. make sure you have a hand wash detergent in your washroom somewhere near the sink. It is important that after using the washroom one should clean their hands thoroughly.
  • lotion

after cleaning your hands, its important to apply lotion on your hands to keep them fresh. You do not want your hands to always look and feel so dry after visiting the washroom. have some lotion that will help your hands feel soft and smell nice even after visiting the washroom.
  • mirror

It is important to have a mirror in your bathroom. Most people like to use the mirror after using the washroom. It is therefore important to ensure you have one.

Tuesday 10 January 2017


Having a warm comfortable home that looks good and works well and that you, your family and your friends enjoy must be one of the most worthwhile things in life. The choice of a design is mostly influenced by its beauty, elegance, and sophistication, suitability to your needs, the size, geographical location, your tastes and preferences among other factors. Of the many house design styles that there are in the world, am going to discuss six design styles that are not only popular, but also classy and elegant.

1       FARM HOUSE


Even from the name itself, one can tell that this design is inspired by the lifestyle in the agricultural areas. It was mainly used in the upcountry before modern building materials and accessories were accessible to the interior. It served as the farm’s main residence. There were different designs which were inspired by the geography of the area, the environment and the available building and accessory materials.
Today, this is used as a design style. Though the world has now become a global village and there is high accessibility of every kind of building and decorative materials, there are people who are still drawn to the farmhouse styles by its simplicity, elegance and beauty.

A farmhouse may be made of stone, wood, bricks or any other available building material available. However, for uniqueness, you may consider using the materials that are mostly available where the house is situated. You may use modern man made building materials and blend them with natural materials to produce a look that’s both elegant, comfortable and a house that is also secure and beautiful.
There are no limits as to the materials that one may use in finishing, furnishing and decorating the house or as to how one may use them together. You may use mirrors, wall pictures, paintings, carpets and rugs to decorate the house and make it comfortable. Mirrors, wall picture and paintings should be framed in wood. Remember that simplicity is key to a farmhouse design. The major material used for the flooring, stairs, ceiling and furniture is mostly wood.
The house mostly uses natural lighting, which calls for large windows. Sufficient airing is also a major characteristic of a farmhouse. It may be decorated using wood or stone carvings and also vintage items and flowers. Colors used in decoration and painting should most preferably be natural shades. The key is to keep it very simple, very natural and comfortable.


This style gained a lot of popularity in the mid 1900s. Initially it was built and designed to be used in town where one worked for a living but the person would also build another main residence in their home village.
Today, it is used as permanent residence and the style is used both in urban and rural areas. The town house style relies on a soothing mixture of un-aggressive, comfortable, modern furniture and one or two antique items. Luxury is the key note in this design. The most important items are picked out and emphasized, this could be the furniture or the fireplace or the walls depending on one’s preference.

This design is fairly simple but very sophisticated. The colours used are subdued but quite rich. The arrangement is also very elegant. Unlike the farmhouse which does not incorporate any kind of formal arrangement, the town house is usually arranged to emphasize the beauty and strong points of the design. The colours are used selectively to ensure they blend in. the textures of fabrics are very important, whether it’s the curtains, the furniture or a table cloth, rough and smooth textures are combined.
The flooring may be painted wood, hardwood, stone, ceramic floor tiles, quarry tiles, thermoplastics etc. the town house is characterized by use of modern materials. Therefore, any flooring material may be used as long as it is elegantly made. A combination of two or more may also be used but care should be taken to ensure they blend well and do not look out of place. Also make sure it is very comfortable both in its use and daily maintenance. As earlier stated, remember that luxury is very important in a town house design.


The major difference between the country house and the farm house is that the farmhouse draws inspiration from the peasant’s dwelling and captures the simple life he lived, on the other hand, the country house is inspired by the rich lives lived by the wealthy in the past. A country house style incorporates quality, durable, beautiful, elegant and sophistication both in the building materials, accessories and decorations. Charm and airiness are keys to a country house style.

It is a soft centered style with a touch of faded gentility- bright, solid splashes of colour are counterproductive. It uses decorations that reflect the beautiful side of the upcountry; this may be by the use of beautiful fresh flowers or floral prints on the fabrics. Though it has a sense of the past, it is very calm and peaceful and uses unaggressive objects. You will not find bows and arrows or hunting prints in a country house. When decorative objects are used, they may include beautiful carvings of animals or paintings of the nice life of the past, a painting reflecting the harsh past for example a painting of slavery or drought or natural disasters will not be found in a country house.

When thinking of using the country house styles, think along the lines of the lives of kings and royalties. The elegance, the sophistication, the beauty, the comfort, the rich and bold colours, paintings and decorations reflecting the bright side of life, a smooth and soft look of the house arrangement, sufficient airing.
Have a touch of the past but also incorporate some aspects of the modern life. This will make the style very comfortable and suitable for this day and age. You may use cushioned antic wooden chairs, wooden candle sticks, a wooden table that is finely finished with a touch of both the past and the present. Remember that charm, airing and luxury are very crucial in this house design style.


Mediterranean house design style is inspired by the traditional life of the Mediterranean countries including Spain, Italy and France. It is a very simple style. It has no fuss and does not incorporate use of too many accessories, if anything, it is characterized by the absence of accessories except for the very essential ones. A farmhouse with less wood, more tiles and more whites is the perfect definition of the Mediterranean house style.
It is characterized by simplicity, elegance and a natural look. Colors used should be natural shades such as blue, green, white and cream. Other colors may also be incorporated minimally but they should not be vibrant and shouting colors. The calm but rich colors is one of the factors that differentiate a Mediterranean style from other design styles.
Decorations will include use of flowers, peasant embroidery on the fabrics, metal or wood framed mirrors. In modern times, though few the accessories and decorations used are carefully and selectively chosen to ensure they blend in well and together bring out an elegant and sophisticated look. Cushions may be made of multi-colored fabrics. Curtains and carpets may also use multiple colors to make them stand out or bring life into the style. The point to note is that the colors used should be as much as possible natural shades and the design should be very simple.
Use large windows to increase natural lighting and airing. Use flowers to bring in nature’s beauty into the house. Use embroidered fabrics to give the house a touch of the past. Use simple but elegant floor arrangement. Ensure all the essential accessories are present to increase the comfort of the house. Use soft colors and smooth fabric to make the house look more peaceful and calm. Depending on your taste you may design your style to reflect the different annual seasons, either summer, winter, autumn or spring. Redesigning a house takes time and is also costly, make sure you choose a style that you can live with in and out of that particular inspiring season.
there is not a friend like Jesus , there is not a place like home


As we start the year, it is good to set plans for 2017. And we must not forget our homes. We should have plans for improvements and changes we want to effect in our homes by the end of 2017. As you make plans whether for maintenance, purchasing new items, improving the items you have, changing the theme colour of your home, here are important factors to put in mind and plan well for;
  • cost

Maintenance, purchases and new improvements in a home are costly. Before you embark on making any changes, you need to have the budget i mind. You need to know how you are going to finance the expenses. Ensure that you dont put all your finances on changing your home theme colour and end up sleeping hungry.
  • you taste

The changes you are going to effect may be influenced by the current trends or by something beautiful you saw in some homes last year or by how you think your home should look like. As much as possible, make sure your align this to your taste. Do not buy a beautiful piece of furniture just to end up hating after one week. Ensure the curtains you intend to purchase are in your personal taste.
  • your color theme

This is one of the basics you must consider whenever you make a change in your home. Dont go out of your colour theme. You do not want to buy an expensive curtain which will make your whole house look so confused in colour. Ensure the colours you choose will go well with your already existing colour scheme. You may also use a new colour to bring in a different look into your home.
  • your house style

The items you buy for your home should very much be in line with your house style. Whether your style is the farmhouse or the town house or the Mediterranean, ensure you choose the items you will purchase and the changes you will make in line with your house style.
  • the people you live with

This is very important. Ensure in the fun of the moment you do not forget about the people you are living with. If you have kids, ensure you make changes that are children friendly. If you live with an elderly person ensure you incorporate their ease of movement and comfort in your changes. It will not be home if the occupants are not comfortable to live in it.

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Apart from the colour and texture, patterns is a very important factor to consider in buying a curtain. To choose the right pattern that will match with the rest of your house, here are important things you need to consider;
  • The size of your curtain

Generally curtains come in two sizes, to the floor ,or or the sill. Any other sizes would  not look very good. If you choose a curtain whose length is to the sill, avoid heavy fabrics and large patterns. Large patterns look better with long curtains and so do heavy fabrics.
  • Your theme colour

Choose a pattern that matches with your theme colour. Choose a colour in the patterns that is similar to the main colour in the house and use it as border line of the curtain, this will help the curtain to blend in well with the rest of the house. Alternatives use a plain blind in the main colour of your theme.
  • Fullness of folds

If you intend to have a curtain than has many fold, it would be better to choose a pattern that repeats itself often so that there are many similar patterns on the folds. A pattern that takes too long before it repeats itself over again may look like many different patterns when used on a curtain with many folds.
  • Pattern repeats

It is important to consider the length it takes before a pattern repeats itself all over again. Ensure the pattern in the two curtain pieces is very similar. Avoid having one piece that looks very different from the other because it started at a different level of the pattern.


"home is not merely four square walls
though with pictures hang and gilded,
home is where affection calls,
home is a shrine the heart was built"

Keep your house clean

It is important to clean the different rooms in your house as often as possible. Always keep your kitchen clean and in good order when preparing meals, this ensure the hygiene of the food. Change your beddings frequently and always keep your bedroom neat. Ensure you do the basic cleaning of our living room at least once daily, avoid a dusty or unkempt living room, this is for your comfort and hygiene as well as that of your guests.

Treat people kindly

Whether its those you live with or guests, treat everyone kindly. Don't be rude or speak in an insulting or annoying way to others. No matter how well you decorate it, a home is only comfortable to live in if there is peace and happiness.

Don't make your dietary requirements everyone else's dilemma

Whether you are on diet for medical reasons or you are choosing to eat healthy, don't impose this on the rest of those you live with or your guests. Having the freedom to choose what to eat and what not to eat is a priceless comfort, don't limit the comfort of others based on your limitations.

Be considerate of the welfare of others

The simple things like which TV channel to watch or which couch to sit on, or which colours to use in your decorations, or which accessories to incorporate in your design style are very simple but important. Even if you are the sole decision maker, if you living with others, whether family or friends you share the house with, make sure to be very considerate of their likes and dislikes.




It is very important to consider the durability of the fabric. Although some fabrics are very beautiful and attractive, they may not be very durable. You don't want to buy a curtain that fades or tears just a few days after you start using it, you therefore need to be very conscious of the durability before you make a choice. But if you don't mind replacing your curtains after just a short while, this should not worry you.


Keep to your budget. Don't buy a curtain and then end up being thrown out of your house because of rent arrears. Curtains come in all manner of prices and different qualities. Buy a curtain that you can afford but one that is also of good quality.


How the curtain looks is very important. The size and style should be in line with you house design style. Whether you go for plain calm colours of bold florals, stripes and vibrant colours, make sure it will look great in your house. Remember how a curtain looks in the shop is not the exact effect it will have in your house. Keep your house design, furniture, fabrics used and other considertaions in choosing a curtain.


This is very very important. Don't buy a curtain that is contrary to your house colour theme. A curtain is a necessary and also an accessory. It is meant to help make your house look more beautiful, elegant and sophisticated. Don't go for a colour that works against you.


Always consider the intensity of natural light in the room you intend to use the curtain. Some materials cannot withstand the sunlight. If you intend to use the curtain in a room with very strong natural light, go for a curtain that does not fade easily and one that can resist the effect of direct sunlight.


Very basic and very very important. Please don't buy a curtain that you can't maintain well. You need a fabric that is washable, resist stains and does not crease easily. We all want a curtain that can keep in god shape, choose a fabric that you know you can easily maintain.